Thursday, February 17, 2011

Blog Assignment #5

"Eagle Nest Radio and Class Blog"

This is a 3rd grade class that did a podcast on the ancient Romans. They talked about things from the gladiators fighting in the coliseum to Julius Caesar, a Roman general, to Cleopatra VII the queen of Egypt, even though she was Greek. They give you an overview of the history of the Romans.

"The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom."
Podcasting gives your students the benefits of having excitement in the classroom. This approach gets your students into a higher order of learning. Podcasting with you class can be beneficial to the student and to the parent. The parent can keep up with what their child is doing in their classroom.

"Students as Contributors in the Classroom"
Students are given jobs in the classroom. This gives them more responsibility and it also helps their classmates as well as themselves. They are given different jobs from doing the calendars which lets them know what days they will be skyping, interviewers that ask the questions of the people they skype, they have to prepare their questions in advance. They also have a photographer and a videographer. I actually love this idea in how it gets the kids involved.


  1. I also believe podcasting adds excitement to the classroom. It is a new way of learning that students enjoy. I also think it is a good way for students to collaborate with each other.

  2. Yes, we must engage our students. Do you think that you will be a podcasting teacher?

  3. I also watched a podcast done by Eagles Nest Radio and they did a great job! I agree with you that if podcasts are incorporated into the classroom that it gives parents a much better insight to what their children are learning.
