"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines
Kelly Hines puts in all in a nutshell. It's not just about technology but it's also about you ( the teacher), willing to learn new innovations and learning how to incorporate that into your students. It's also about the kids, as said before every child does not learn the same. It's up to you, the teacher, to find out about each of your student and what it takes for them to learn.
It's true that technology is the future and we are getting more and more advance. This is why we have to stay on top of things and be ready at all times for whatever comes our way. Our students will be looking to us for their education and our duty to make sure they get the best we have.
"Karl Fisch: Is it ok to be a technologically illiterate teacher?"
I say no. But he puts it in harsh words. I think if you are going to teach yes you need to be tech literate. Our kids need to have that extra advantage which now is not an advantage because most countries now have more technology than the Unites States. But everybody does not learn the same or in the same fashion. So it's up to you as the teacher to learn your students and their needs and adjust accordingly.
Also, to hold me responsible for someone not willing to become tech literate is not fair. No, I think they need to teach but it's not up to me to say.
"Gary Hayes Social Media Count."
It is astounding as to how much people use technology in a minute. I make me wonder if there is anything else that people do in a day's time besides use technology. That counter is changing exponentially. My question is "Is this counter just for the United States or is there other countries also in those numbers?"
Hi, Taylor
ReplyDeleteThis is Brittany from your Edm310 class. I think Kelly Hines makes a great point; it is about you as a teacher and being able to keep up with new technology. I defiantly think as a teacher you should try to involve your students in new technology as much as possible because it can be built upon in future classes. I think by introducing recent technology early in the classroom it gives students a great advantage.
Hey Taylor, this is Jordan from EDM 310. I think that you are right, we as teachers are responsible to our students to give them the best teacher for their future, and I don't think that technology is going to slow down. So if we are going to consider ourselves professionals, we need to put forth an effort to be technologically literate, so that we can share these expertise with our students.
ReplyDeleteHello Taylor this is Leslie from EDM 310 and I think you are on the right track with technology in the classrooms. Teachers have to learn new and exciting ways in order to keep the students interested. Students relate to technology so why not use technology to get their attention.